Study Questions from Acts Ch 3 from 8/12

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. Every Monday, I’ll post the questions we discussed the day before. I encourage you to jot your thoughts down.

On Wednesdays, I’ll post some of the comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at

Chapter 3


What does the former cripple do?


Who was "amazed" and "astonished" by the healing of the cripple?

How does the reaction of those in the previous question to the “cripple” differ from that of the people in the crowd?

Peter's 2nd recorded sermon. What is similar to the first?

According to Peter, how is the authority of Christ demonstrated in this miracle?

How does Peter's tone change in v17?

We got this far this week. 

What is the OT context of the quote from Moses?

What "big three" OT characters does Peter refer to in his sermon? Why is each chosen?

How does Peter end this sermon?

Can you think of an example of God's power at work today/in your lifetime like it was in this chapter?

For the rest of this month, Friday Expressions of Faith posts will be the 2nd part of the Timeless Truth post the day before. This Friday, Who, Me? or A Fish, a Worm, and a Wrong Direction - Conclusion

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