#BibleStudy Expressions of Faith. Immanuel - revised

This was first posted on 12/25/15  as the climax of the Advent season.
At some point, I started using it to kick off the Advent season. 

After all, 
"Jesus (Immanuel) is the reason for the season," 
regardless of what season it is!


"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us."
Matthew 1:23

"Immanuel" is a Hebrew word meaning "God with us" and expresses the wonder of the incarnation, that God "became flesh and made his dwelling among us" (John 1:14 ).vIn the Old Testament, God's presence with his people Israel was particularly evident in the tabernacle (Exodus 25:8 ), but the glory that filled the tabernacle was surpassed by the personal presence of God the Son as he revealed the Father during his ministry on earth. Christ's glory was revealed through the miracles he performed (John 2:11 ). 

Regardless of the qualifications, credentials, or knowledge of any theologian or author, there has been no better expression of God's love than this: 
God with us.

Think about that.

The God of the universe lived on Earth
among humanity.

How incredibly wrong that sounds to us as humans.

How incredibly right it sounds for an action by our God.

I found this image at https://www.godisreal.today/pictures-of-jesus/ It displays a joy from Jesus that I don't often think about. Most of the pictures of Christ show him teaching or
adorned with halo or
sternly putting the Pharisees in their place.
Jesus came to Earth by His own choosing.
I know he was tempted. I know he suffered.
He would not have experienced humanness without scenes
like the one above.

As we begin this time of Advent, let's all remember that God is with us.

Every year.
Every day.
Every hour.

Take time this Advent season
  • to think about the full experience Jesus had when He came down to Earth.
  • to think about the significance of that act of God.
  • to thank God for that act.
  • to personally experience a relationship with Immanuel
  • to begin—or to continue—living a thankful life of service throughout the new year.

SEO: Bible study, New Testament, Christmas, knowing God


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