Study Questions on Acts Ch 8 from 11/11
My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. Every Monday, I’ll post the questions we discussed the day before. I encourage you to jot your thoughts down.
On Wednesdays, I’ll post some of the comments from the class discussion.
If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at
Chapter 8
What does Saul begin to do? To whom does he do it?
What characterized the believers who were forced from Jerusalem?
Which part of Acts 1:8 is fulfilled here?
What exactly does Philip do?
What is significant about Philip being this involved?
What are the immediate results of Philip's Samaritan ministry?
We got this far this week.
Who is this Simon?
Why did people follow Simon?
What significant event occurs in v13?
Why did Peter and John go to Samaria?
What was the immediate result of their ministry?
What is "wrong" with Simon's attitude in vv18-19? (How does he want to achieve power?)
How do you explain Peter's harsh response in vv20-23?
What is God's plan to provide power for/to believers?
What is wrong with Simon's answer in v24?
This is a fairly famous passage. In brief, what happens here?
Who speaks to Philip? Where is he sent? What is his reaction?
What reaction might have been expected?
What is the Ethiopian reading?
Why would Philip ask the question he does?
Philip's answer to the Ethiopian's question includes what?
What happens to Philip after the Ethiopian is baptized?
Where does Philip end up?
How does Philip's ministry begin the spread of the Gospel to "the ends of the earth"?
Describe Philip’s evangelism.
Friday, This week Expressions of Faith is Why?
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