#Bible Thoughts on Study Questions from Acts Ch 16 on 4/21

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. I posted these questions this Monday and encouraged you to jot your thoughts down.
This is Wednesday. This post consists of some comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at crd.author@gmail.com.

There is a timeline of Paul's life at the end of the post. 
Try it. 
You'll like it.
Chapter 16
Vv 1-5
Who do we meet here? 

  • Timothy

What is his heritage?

  • Mother was a Jewess. Father was Greek.

Circumcision? I thought Paul was against that practice. What gives?

  • Paul personally circumcizes Timothy.

How does the circumcision seem contrary to v4?

  • Commentaries agreed that the motive was to allow Timothy to speak with Jews.
  • The result was more doors were opened to the team of missionaries.

Comment on v5.
Paul's decision as the correct one is supported by 

  • the church's growth and 
  • the conversion of both Jews and Greeks to Christianity.

Vv 6-10

Where are they now? 
  • Phrygia and Galatia. Modern day Turkey.

Why not go to Asia?

  • Paul wanted to go to Asia.
  • Depending on the translation, they were FORBIDDEN, KEPT FROM GOING, NOT  PERMITTED, BLOCKED by The Holy Spirit AND the Spirit of Jesus.
Something special happens in Troas. What? 

  • Paul sees a vision of a man from Macedonia begging him to come to his region.

and what is the result?

  • Paul IMMEDIATELY refocuses His vision for this missionary journey.

Here's a link to a great Timeline of the Apostle Paul. I recommend bookmarking it. 
 We got this far this week. 

SEOs: Bible, Acts, Bible study, questions and answers

Follow me on Twitter: @CRDowningAuthor and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CRDowningAuthor
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Vv 11-15
Where is Philippi? Ever heard of it before?
Why didn’t they go to the synagogue on the Sabbath?
Why are women at the river?
What is the significance of Lydia’s profession?
After her conversion, what significant acts does Lydia take?

Vv 16-40

What’s the story of the little slave girl?
Why did the girl’s owners react as they did?
Are vv 20-21 accurate?
What punishment do the magistrates assign to Paul and Silas?
How do we know the jailer took his job seriously?
Why were Paul and Silas still awake at midnight? What were they doing?
What are the immediate results of the earthquake?
What is the jailer’s response to the earthquake?
How could Paul know what the jailer was about to do?
The jailer’s question isn’t what you might expect in such a situation. What does this tell us about P &S?
After Paul’s sermon, what acts does the jailer take? What is God’s response?
The magistrates will let P & S go. What’s Paul’s problem with that?
Why were the magistrates “alarmed” in v38 and want “to appease” P & S in v39?
What can we learn from Paul and Silas’s example in this?

Ch 17

Vv 1-9
Where is Thessalonica? What’s different about it from Philippi?
What’s Paul’s approach here?
What do we learn about the new believers that makes it clear they are not all Jews? How did the non-Jews learn Paul’s message?
How much of the accusation in vv6-7 is true?

Vv 10-15

Comment on the Bereans compared to the Thessalonians.
While Paul might not have been happy with the Thessalonian Jews, why would he understand them?

Vv 16-34

What bothered Paul about Athens?

Why did people think Paul was a “babbler”?


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