#BibleStudy Signs and Wonders – Miracles: Water into wine 12-6-2020

Until we finish, my Sunday school class is studying Miracles of Jesus on the list below. This week is the last week discussed miracles throughout the Bible.

The questions below are what we discussed this week.

I'll post highlights from our discussion on Wednesday.

Signs and Wonders – Miracles

Sunday School Lesson Series

Based on Signs and Wonders: Thirteen Miracles from the Life of Christ 

Serendipity House ©1998 - ISBN: 1-57494-107-0

Miracle #1 – Water into Wine – John 2:1-11

Why did Jesus choose water used for ceremonial cleansing?


Verse 11 uses the term disciples. Who was already following Jesus at the time of the wedding? Describe each one’s call.

Hint: In this case, the number of answer slots might not match the number of disciples.







If you were one of those disciples, how did you feel after the miracle?


Dissecting Miracle #1 – Water into Wine – John 2:1-11

Why does John specify this happened “on the third day?”


Where else is that point on a timeline highlighted by John?


We Got This Far This Week

SEO: Jesus' ministry, New Testament, thinking, knowing God



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