#BibleStudy Signs and Wonders – Miracles: Water into wine 12-6-2020 – Discussion Highlights
Until we finish, my Sunday school class is studying Miracles of Jesus on the list below. The comments below are from our discussion this week.
Signs and Wonders – Miracles
Sunday School Lesson Series
Based on Signs and Wonders: Thirteen Miracles from the Life of Christ
Serendipity House ©1998 - ISBN: 1-57494-107-0
Miracle #1 – Water into Wine – John 2:1-11
Why did Jesus choose water used for ceremonial cleansing?
- The only place at the wedding with enough water.
- It signified purification. Wine represents the purest blood of cleansing.
- It was already blessed.
- Made those watching pay attention.
Verse 11 uses the term disciples. Who was already following Jesus at the time of the wedding? Describe each one’s call.
- John. He was a follower of John the Baptist and was probably at Jesus' baptism.
- Andrew. Andrew (John 1:40) he was listening to Jesus. Consistently brought others to Jesus.
- Peter. Dragged to Jesus by his brother Andrew. Jesus knows him.
- Philip. (John 1:43) Jesus went to him and he followed.
- Nathaniel. A man of no deceit. A good man and a true Israelite. His first reaction to hearing of Jesus is not positive. The fig tree he was under symbolizes restoration. Jesus knew he was well-educated.
If you were one of those disciples, how did you feel after the miracle?
- Jesus was invited as Mary/Joseph’s son, and they were celebrating the wedding.
- The disciples were almost always with Jesus.
- Nathaniel was from Cana.
- Expecting good food.
- Surprised by what Jesus did, but now they believed He was the Messiah.
Dissecting Miracle #1 – Water into Wine – John 2:1-11
Why does John specify this happened “on the third day?”
- Old wine – New covenant.
Where else is that point on a timeline highlighted by John?
- Christ’s resurrection.
We Got This Far This Week
SEO: Jesus' ministry, New Testament, thinking, knowing God
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