#BibleStudy Expressions of Faith: Matthew 13:44. Worth & Value

   Over this past week, hundreds of protests were held over the death of a man while in police custody in Minnesota. While most protests were peaceful, usurpers turned others into maniacal times of rioting and looting. 
   In the midst of the chaos and destruction of the riots, the worth of the man killed in Minnesota, his value to his family and friends was lost. That is tragic.

  • Today's Expression of Faith focuses on your worth and value to God! 
  • Your eternal life matters to God.
  • All lives matter to God!

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 

                                                                              (Matt 13: 44 NIV)

This parable is frequently interpreted as a sinner--the man--who realizes the value of salvation--the treasure. 

This is a valid interpretation. 


What if the man represents God and the treasure is YOU?

If you look at the parable from that perspective, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was part of God's selling "all he had" and buying YOU for Himself.

God is willing to do ANYTHING (including allowing His Son to die) to obtain the treasure (YOU).

Who's hands are holding you as a treasure?


Once the treasure is dug up after the field is purchased, that treasure is in the hands of the field owner. 

Who's hands are holding you as a treasure?

A basketball in my hands is worth about $20. 
  • A basketball in the hands of LeBron James is worth nearly $23 million/year.
A baseball and glove in my hands are worth maybe $200. 
  • The same equipment in the hands of Clayton Kershaw is worth a bit over $30 million/year.

Your life in your hands is worth... 
  • not much. 
Your life is God's hands is worth... 

At the end of your life, your true value isn't based on what you have. 
  • At the end of your life, your true value is based on who has you.
Who's hands are holding you as a treasure?

The Lord... is patient with us, not wishing that anyone should perish [spend eternity in Hell], but that all should come to repentance [accept God's offer of eternal life with Him].
2 Peter 3:9 (WEB)

SEO: Bible study, New Testament, thinking, knowing God

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