Hebrews Study Questions - May 14
My Sunday School Life Group started a study in Hebrews yesterday. Until we finish that study, my Expression of Faith posts--except for a couple in Advent and Lent--will be from Hebrews.
I'm posting questions every Monday that were discussed the day before in Sunday School. I encourage you to ponder/think and jot down your thoughts.
On Wednesdays, I will post some of the ideas that came up in the Life Group's discussion for you to consider.
Make yourself comfortable, this is most likely going to be a year-long experience.
These questions were discussed in my Life Group yesterday. Take time to reflect on them. I'll post thoughts from the class discussion on Wednesday of this week.
Chapter 1:1-4
Give an example of God speaking through the prophets.
Besides words, how else did prophets get information out?
What’s the difference between “in the past” and “these last days”?
How is Christ described in v3a?
How do we know that Christ is superior to the angels?
Vv2-3. Find seven great descriptive statements about Jesus.
What’s the importance of v4? Hint: Deut 33:2
If you'd like a PDF of the first four pages questions in table form with room for you to write answers, email me at chuckdowning4@gmail.com/ These go through Hebrews 3. You can get the remaining sets when I give them to my class.
If you'd like a PDF of the first four pages questions in table form with room for you to write answers, email me at chuckdowning4@gmail.com/ These go through Hebrews 3. You can get the remaining sets when I give them to my class.
I'd appreciate your feedback as a comment on Blogger!
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