Thoughts on Study Questions from Acts 4 on 9/9

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. I posted these questions this Monday and encouraged you to jot your thoughts down.

It's Wednesday. This post consists of some comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at

Chapter 4


Why do you think Luke emphasizes the age of the crippled man?
He was a fixture at that gate for a long time. 
His healing was an indisputable miracle.

What is the immediate response of the believers to the return of Peter and John?
To offer a prayer of praise.

What might our reaction be today if something similar happened?
Hopefully the same.
(Stay tuned for examples of other reactions to miraculous events.)

Vv24-30 is a corporate prayer. What is the structure of the prayer? Compare it to the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6.
Lord’s Prayer                This prayer
We did the lists before one class member read the note in the answer to the next question from his study Bible. The red text is an outline of the content of the Lord's prayer from a commentary. 
The naming of names is an indication that the Christians knew that the Sanhedrin was working against the Power of the Holy Spirit.

What features strike you as you read through the prayer? 

What is evident about God's faithfulness, character, and power?
The use of Scripture to show they understand that what is happening is the fulfillment of prophecy.

What was asked for by the group in this prayer?
Boldness in spite of the arrest and imprisonment of Peter and John for doing God's work.

What happens immediately after the "Amen?"
The room is shaken.
The Holy Spirit fills them AGAIN! This demonstrates that, if we ask, God will supply as much power as we need to access in serving Him.

We got this far this week. 

Thursday Timeless Truth is B

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