Thoughts on Study Questions from Acts Ch5 and 6 from 10/7

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. I posted these questions this Monday and encouraged you to jot your thoughts down.
It's Wednesday. This post consists of some comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at

Chapter 5 - Vv17-42

In v41, the apostles demonstrate an uncommon reaction to what has just taken place. What was the reaction, and what allowed them to act like this?
They considered themselves worthy to suffer shame--Jesus was flogged, too.
The Holy Spirit allowed this reaction.

Chapter 6 - V1-7

1. Who is complaining here? 2. What is the problem? Re-read 2:44-45 and 4:34-35. 3. Why do you think this happened?

  1. Greek-speaking Jews. There might have been 20-25,000 converts in Jerusalem at this point. 
  2. The Greek widows were being Ἐβραίους ὅτι παρεθεωροῦντο ἐν τῇ overlooked in some translations, neglected in other translations. <See the Aside below>
  3. There was a lack of understanding of the food dispersal process. Aramaic vs Greek language spoken by converts.

History records this Pentecost as the one with the most attendees, most from outside Israel. Where were all these converts living? 
My class spent significant time discussing the meaning of Acts 7:1, specifically the phrase in the Subject line.
  1. KJV and a couple of other versions translate using NEGLECTED.
  2. NIV, NASB, and many others translate using OVERLOOKED.
  3. Google translate comes up with Jews WERE OBLIVIOUS TO.
According to an online Greek concordance, this is the only time the word translated neglected is used anywhere in the KJV.

Our discussion focused on the significant difference between neglected and overlooked. Adding "oblivious" to the list adds another dimension to the cause of the problem. 

What is the rationale for providing “lay leadership” in this area?
The disciples/apostles, who probably had this responsibility as a de facto part of their inherited leadership, where "doing it all." They decide that praying and preaching are to be their roles from this point forward.

Who made the decision to provide specific people for this need? Why?
The disciples/apostles. 
They were the leaders.

We got this far this week. 

Friday, This week Expressions of Faith is You can't be serious, God!

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