#BibleStudy Signs and Wonders – Miracle # 10 – “Two Blind Miracle Stories Mark 8:22-26; 10:46-52 – 01-09-2022


How does the limited healing of the blind man in 8:24 mirror the way the disciples perceive Jesus in vv8:27-33? 

In what way is their spiritual sight partial, and when is that sight clarified? 

The story of Bartimaeus immediately follows the story of how James and John maneuvered to try to get the highest places in Jesus's Kingdom. How do Bartimaeus’s words and deeds serve as examples to the 12 disciples as well as us? 

The first story is the final miracle before Peter’s climactic confession that Jesus is The Christ v8:29. The second story is Jesus’s last miracle before He enters Jerusalem to be crucified. Why did Mark place these two miracles of sight restoration just before those two major events in Jesus's ministry?


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