#BibleStudy Signs and Wonders – Miracle # 10 – “Two Blind Miracle Stories Mark 8:22-26; 10:46-52 – 01-30-2022 – Discussion

This study is a pair of similar miracles. What other pair of similar miracles does Mark describe?

  • Boy with an unclean spirit and a man with many demons
  • Feeding the 5000 and 4000
  • Calm the storm and walk on water.
  • Healing the paralytic man and the lame man at the pool of Bethsaida

How does Mark 8:17-18 set up these healings?

  • Disciples are still questioning Jesus' role. 
  • Reminds reader the Jesus is a miracle worker.
  • Seeingless eyes and hearingless ears.
  • Disciples have short memories so they don't understand who Jesus is.

What are some similarities or parallels between Mark 8:22-26 and Mark 7:31-37?

  • Both "entreated" Jesus.
  • Beggers
  • Jesus spits on both men.
  • Helpers traveled to Jesus with the men.
  • "Don't tell anyone."
  • This mirrors the future - Disciples bring others to Jesus after Pentecost.
  • Jesus took both away from the crowd.
  • If brought by friends, those friends were desperate.

How do Peter's words in 8:27-30 indicate he needs a "second touch" to heal his spiritual blindness?

  • Jesus called Himself the Son of Man.
  • Peter still didn't understand Jesus's mission.
  • Jesus tells his disciples not to tell others that He is Messiah.
  • Disciples were still looking for military victory, not spiritual reform.

What does the first blind man’s statement about trees indicate?

  • It was not born blind.

Why might Mark put the only miracle performed by Jesus that took two touches between the disciples’ lack of understanding of the “feeding” miracles and their willingness to accept Jesus as Messiah?

  • He was making a point. 
  • The need for physical and spiritual healing. 
  • He doesn't give up on us. 
  • The yeast of the Pharisees is different from what Jesus is doing. What Jesus does completely works (raises our spirits).

Why would there be a large crowd at Jericho at this time?

  • It was Passover and people were heading to Jerusalem.

How does Jesus respond to Bartimaeus’s use of “Son of David”? 

  • Jesus calls Bart to Him.

Check Psalm 4:1, 6:2, 51:1, 109:26, and 123:3. What phrase used here was a favorite of the Psalmists?

  • Have mercy.
  • Help me.
  • No hope for healing.
  • Pity-->help-->healing.

Bartimaeus is the only person in Mark to use “Son of David” when talking to Jesus. How does that compare to its use in Matthew and Luke?

  • There are six uses in Matthew.
  • Son of Man is Jesus's title.
  • Son of God is used to show Jesus's deity.

Why would the crowd rebuke Bartimaeus? 

  • They were in a hurry to get to Jerusalem for the Passover.
  • They didn't think he was worthy.
  • They wanted to hear Jesus.
  • Jesus was important to Bart.

How does the rebuke affect the blind man?

  • He shouts louder!

Bartimaeus throws his cloak away. What’s the significance of that act by the blind man?

  • He was in a hurry.
  • He wasn't concerned.
  • The crowd might have pulled on his cloak to slow him/stop him.
  • To throw off the darkness.

What's the purpose of faith in this healing?

  • Complete healing and healed quickly to some other healings.
  • Faith heals you.

What does Bartimaeus do after his vision is restored?

  • He follows Jesus "in The Way." (KJV) 
  • Spiritual healing was Jesus' purpose. Physical healing was a bonus.

How does Isaiah 35:5-6 fit these healings?

  • It's prophecy and emphasizes that God is eternal.
  • The eyes of the blind nation are open.
  • Isaiah 34 sets up the healings in Ch 35.

How would you answer if Jesus asked you today, “What do you want me to do for you?” 

  • This question is for self-reflection.


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