#BibleStudy. Miracle #11 – Lazarus – John 11:1-3. 17-27, 38-47. 3-6-22

Why did Mary and Martha send for Jesus? 

What happens in this miracle to illustrate that Jesus loved Lazarus? 

Who's the only other person specifically named as someone Jesus loved? 


Why did Jesus wait four days before he went to see Lazarus? 

How do we know there was a crowd when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead? 


Is verse 11: 21 a rebuke or an expression of regret? 


Verse 22 includes the term “but I know.” What does Martha know? If that's true, why is she so confused in verse 39. 


The Pharisees and other Jewish groups believed in a general resurrection. What would she have understood Jesus' comment to imply?  


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