#BIBLESTUDY. MIRACLE #11 – LAZARUS – JOHN 11:1-3. 17-27, 38-47. 3-6-22 - DISCUSSION
How does John 5: 24 -29 relate to Jesus saying, "I am the resurrection and the life" in this miracle?
- Confirms they will live.
- Those who do good will rise to live.
- A Personal expression of truth.
Jesus asks Martha, “Do believe this?” What else besides Jesus' healing power is he referring to?
- Reminding them of the death to come.
- Spiritual life.
- Triumph over death. V11:14
The word Lord is found in verse 21 and verse 27. What's different about how they might be translated in each?
- Father
- Christ = Messiah
What three confessional statements about Jesus does Martha use in verse 27?
- Believes He is Christ, the Son of God who came into the world.
How does each phrase differ from the others in its meaning?
- Redeemer, part of God, Human
What does the fact that Lazarus has a tomb imply about him?
- He is mortal.
- He has money because he's buried in a tomb, not in a Potter's Field, or under a cairn of rock.
Comment on verse 11:39.
- Lazarus is really dead. DEAD.
How does Lazarus’s resurrection directly relate to all Christians at some point in their life or death?
- He was raised from physical death.
- Christians get a new body when resurrected when Christ returns.
Who else gets wrapped in strips of linen?
- Jesus.
- Most Jewish burials placed the body on the deceased's prayer shall.
Verse 46 is ominous. Why?
- The men left to plan Jesus' death.
Next week starts Miracle #12 - The withered fig tree
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