#BibleStudy. Miracle #11 – Lazarus – John 11:1-3. 17-27, 38-47. 3-13-22


How does John 5: 24 -29 relate to Jesus saying, "I am the resurrection and the life" in this miracle? 


Jesus asks Martha, “Do believe this?” What else besides Jesus' healing power is he referring to? 


The word Lord is found in verse 21 and verse 27. What's different about how they might be translated in each? 


What three confessional statements about Jesus does Martha use in verse 27? 

How does each phrase differ from the others in its meaning? 


What does the fact that Lazarus has a tomb imply about him? 


Comment on verse 11:39. 


How does Lazarus’s resurrection directly relate to all Christians at some point in their life or death?  


Who else gives wrapped in strips of linen?  


Verse 46 is ominous. Why?


Next week starts Miracle #12 - The withered fig tree



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