Timeless Truths: What Christians believe about… #1-The Bible (Part 2)

8. What Christians believe about… #1-The Bible (Part 2)
March 3, 2016
All Scripture quotations are from the Amplified Bible.

14 But as for you, continue in the things that you have learned and of which you are convinced [holding tightly to the truths], knowing from whom you learned them,15 and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings (Hebrew Scriptures) which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus [surrendering your entire self to Him and having absolute confidence in His wisdom, power and goodness]. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage]; 17 so that the [a]man of God may be complete and proficient, outfitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:14-17

In this passage, Paul makes it very clear that the Bible is God’s Word. He emphasizes four aspects or characteristics of Scripture.
God’s Word:
  1. Teaches us truth. The truth is NOT the text itself. Truth is the relationship the text directs us to. In other words, God’s Word teaches us how to live transformed lives.
  2. Teaches us to do what is right. God’s Word offers correction for when we are doing wrong things. This is God’s voice in our lives. Once again, the purpose is to lead us into a relationship with Him.
  3. Prepares us and equips us to build God’s Kingdom. God’s Word shows us what we are called to do and what we are called to be.
  4. Is inspired by God. The term Paul uses is the same term used for a) God’s breath of life into Adam (Gen 2:7). B) God’s breath that parts the Red Sea (Ex 14:21). C) God’s breath that raises Jairus’ daughter (Matt 9:25, Mark 5:41, Luke 8:54-55). It is this breath of God that breathes life into the words of Scripture. Paul is saying that the stories of faith that are passed along are trustworthy because the storytellers were faithful. We are responsible for telling the story of God. Story-telling is truth-telling.

Ultimately, Scripture should remind us of why we love God and how much God loves us!

Thanks to Rev. Scott Peterson for the central teachings used in this blog.

Next Thursday's Timeless Truths Series: What Christians believe about… #2-The Church
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