Study Questions from Acts Ch 11 on 1/27
My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. Every Monday, I’ll post the questions we discussed the day before. I encourage you to jot your thoughts down.
On Wednesdays, I’ll post some of the comments from the class discussion.
If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at
Chapter 11: 1-18
When Peter returns to Jerusalem, he is on the hot seat. Why?
Describe a possible parallel situation that might happen in our church in this century.
Compare Peter's account to the brothers in Jerusalem to Luke's account in Chapter 10. What is different?
Why do you think that it’s different?
What happens to the objections of the Jerusalem believers?
19-26 How does the church get its start in Antioch?
Who might these “evangelists” be?
Chapter 11: 1-18
When Peter returns to Jerusalem, he is on the hot seat. Why?
Describe a possible parallel situation that might happen in our church in this century.
Compare Peter's account to the brothers in Jerusalem to Luke's account in Chapter 10. What is different?
Why do you think that it’s different?
What happens to the objections of the Jerusalem believers?
How does the church get its start in Antioch?
Who might these “evangelists” be?
We got this far this week.
Chapter 11
Who is given "first shot" at the Gospel by the evangelists?
Who are "the Greeks"?
What is the secret of the evangelist's success?
Why is Barnabas sent to Antioch?
What is the effect of his visit?
Where else does he go? Why?
How long do Saul and Barnabas "pastor" the church at Antioch?
What significant terminology arises from this church?
Who is Agabus?
What does he do?
About what year is this?
What is the Antioch church response to this?
Friday, This week Expressions of Faith is Christians
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