Thoughts on Study Questions from Acts Ch 11 on 1/27

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. I posted these questions this Monday and encouraged you to jot your thoughts down.
It's Wednesday. This post consists of some comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at

Chapter 11
When Peter returns to Jerusalem, he is on the hot seat. Why?
Consorting with Gentiles, uncircumcised.
Went into an unclean house and ate unclean food.

Describe a possible parallel situation that might happen in our church in this century.
This was more for thought than discussion. The following examples were offered by the group.

  • In the Christian church, how do Catholics react to a protestant who doesn't follow their liturgical acts and vocalizations?
  • The preferred wording of the Lord's Prayer by different protestant denominations: trespasses/debts -- including the phrase "for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen."
  • Having the congregation end the prayer with the above phrase vs. having the priest or minister say that as a benediction.

Compare Peter's account to the brothers in Jerusalem to Luke's account in Chapter 10. What is different?

Why do you think that it’s different?
The audience is Jews not Gentiles.
Luke is reporting on what he heard, Peter is relating what happened to him.

What happens to the objections of the Jerusalem believers?
When they hear of the Holy Spirit experience, they realize that God is cares for both Jews and Gentiles.

How does the church get its start in Antioch?
Jewish Christians scattered after Pentecost along with Greek Christians from Cypress and Cyrene.

Who might these “evangelists” be?
Any convert could have been an evangelist.

 We got this far this week. 


Who is given "first shot" at the Gospel by the evangelists?
Who are "the Greeks"?
What is the secret of the evangelist's success?
Why is Barnabas sent to Antioch?
What is the effect of his visit?
Where else does he go? Why?
How long do Saul and Barnabas "pastor" the church at Antioch?
What significant terminology arises from this church?
Who is Agabus?
What does he do?
About what year is this?

What is the Antioch church response to this?

This week's Expressions of Faith is Christians

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