#BibleStudy Thoughts on the Questions from James Ch 1 on 06-14-2020
For as many Sundays as needed, my Sunday school class will explore the context and content of the practical content of the Letter from James.
This is Wednesday. What follows are bits and pieces of the discussion in class on the questions posted two days ago.
If you miss getting the questions on Mondays, I invite you to go back. Copy, and paste the questions from those posts into a word.docx and fill in blanks or answer questions on your own. You can compare your thoughts to those of my class members each Wednesday. If your answers don’t match my class’s answers, that doesn’t make your answers wrong. If you like more information about what was said in class, email me at the address at the end of this post.
I hope you enjoy exploring this practical book along with us. Each Sunday's discussion ends at the last question in black print. Photos included are of the "whiteboard" list I generated during the discussion and are nothing but time savers for me.
Questions in this print were answered in previous weeks.
I invite you to check this blog site on Friday when my Expressions of Faith posts are from James. Here's last week's link's URL.
I also invite you back to these "Questions" blogs next week!
Chapter 2
Verses 1-13
V8-13: Why does breaking one law make us guilty of breaking the whole thing?
- If you think of God’s laws as a chain, braking one link breaks the chain as much as breaking several links. Break a link and lose your relationship with God.
- Choosing “less important laws” to break starts you down a slippery slope away from God.
- Violate even one law is disregarding God’s will.
Does James 2:12-13 contradict the idea that believers will be judged by mercy and grace rather than strict justice and the Law?
- Mercy triumphs over judgment.
- Measure yourself against God’s Word daily.
- Judgment came when no sin sacrifice was made. Jesus’ blood covers sin.
- God is the ultimate judge.
12 and forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. Matthew 6:12
- People reap what they sow. 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. (Galatians 6:7)
- Jesus showed mercy over and over.
- You can’s pull out only the verses you like in the Bible. We are accountable for all Scripture.
- Rejoin the fellowship as soon as you realize you’ve moved away.
- Part of fellowship is confession.
- Keep on keeping on.
- Have conversations with others that are seasoned with grace.
- Don’t forget love.
- Speak and act appropriately.
What does James say will happen to those who fail to show mercy on the needy?
- Harsh judgment
- No mercy
We had a general discussion on this question Sunday. It’s highlighted below. We’ll answer as it calls for next Sunday.
- Faith is first. Works come after.
- Faith without works is dead.
22 You see that [his] faith was cooperating with his works, and [his] faith was completed and reached its supreme expression [when he implemented it] by [good] works. (James 2:22 AMP)
V14-26: Compare James, John, Paul and Jesus sayings about faith.
SEO: Bible study, New Testament, thinking, knowing God
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Life as I see it. Topics rotate between those of general interest to lovers of life, authors, teachers—probably you, too. Posts on Tuesdays and some Mondays. http://crdowning-author.blogspot.com/?alt=rss
My Christian Context. Posts M/W of discussion questions. Thursdays - Timeless Truths. Fridays - Expressions of Faith. https://mychristiancontext.blogspot.com/
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