Study Questions on Acts Ch 1 from 6/17

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. Every Monday, I’ll post the questions we discussed the day before. I encourage you to jot your thoughts down.

On Wednesdays, I’ll post some of the comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at
Chapter 1
Where did the ascension take place?

What is a "Sabbath Day's walk"?

What is significant about the men listed in v13?

How did they spend their time in the upper room? Why?

Who else was present?

What is Peter talking about in v16?

In Shakespearean plays, v18-19 would be called an aside. Why is this gory detail included here?

We got this far this week. 
Peter quotes from two Psalms in v20. Look at the context of these verses. What does Peter do by putting them together?

Peter proposes an election. What are the candidate qualifications? How do these qualifications provide evidence that Jesus was followed by more than "the 12 disciples"?

Who gets nominated? How many others were qualified for "election"?

How do they determine the winner? Do you ever hear of him again?

As we go through this study, keep this incident in mind. Compile evidence you discover that indicates this "winner" might not have been God's first choice for the position? If not, who was?
This Friday, my Expression of Faith is Fellowship (With Believers?)

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