#Bible Discussion on Study Questions from Acts Ch 22 on 7/21

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. I posted these questions this Monday and encouraged you to jot your thoughts down.
This is Wednesday. This post consists of some comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at crd.author@gmail.com.

There is a timeline of Paul's life at the end of the post. 

Ch 22  -Vv 1-29

Why does the crowd quiet down? 
  • They heard unexpected words in a familar language.

Why is that surprising, but how does it reinforce that it was a mob?
  • If they knew in advance, the mob might not have formed.
In vv3-5, Paul gives his early life autobiography. What are the highlights?
  • "I did everything right as a Jew."
  • I was born a Jew.
  • I studied under Gamaliel. (The most honored Rabbi at the time, Gamaliel was essentially "Dr. of The Law." As Pharisees, Gamaliel and Paul were strict enforces of Jewish Law. The fact that the Saducee controlled Sanhedrin listened to Gamaliel is testimony to the respect he was awarded.)
  • He was zealous in persecuting "The Way."
Why would Paul use vv6-11 to describe his conversion? 
  • There is nothing more convincing than hearing a story "from the horse's mouth."

Wouldn’t these people have heard about that?
  • There were undoubtedly varing versions of the event circulating.
  • Jews might not have heard, “ ‘Get up,’ the Lord said, ‘and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.’ 11 My companions led me by the hand into Damascus, because the brilliance of the light had blinded me.
Paul describes his “call” in vv17-21. Why would the Jewish crowd stop listening at this point?
  • None of the Saducees would accept that Jesus spoke after His resurrection.
  • He said he was sent to the Gentiles.
  • Although trances were common, they might have been considered suspect in terms of accuracy.
  • Acts of the Apostles reports more than twenty Altered State of Conscience experiences, nearly one in every chapter. One clue is the Greek word translated “gaze” or “stare,” which occurs 10 times in Acts and is often a signal that a person has entered an alternate state of consciousness (Acts 1:10Acts 7:55Acts 10:4Acts 11:6Acts 14:9). In Acts 3:1-10, Peter, a saddiq (holy man), stares at a lame man and restores his ability to walk. https://www.bibleodyssey.org/en/passages/related-articles/trance-experiences-in-the-bible
The crowd goes through all sorts of gyrations. What is the point of them?
  • Commontion to stir up the soldiers.
  • Shaking dust of feel, shoes was a common action to show disrespect.
What does the tribune decide to do? 
  • Flog and interrigate. The class thought the sequencing of the two actions was interesting.

What stops him?
  • Paul reveals he is a Roman Citizen by birth. There was no more prestigious way to achieve citizen status in the Roman Empire than to be born a citizen.

 We got this far this week. 
What is it about Paul that, even though he’s a Jew, ranks him higher than the tribune?

Notice the reaction of the Romans in v29.

    Here's a link to a great Timeline of the Apostle Paul. I recommend bookmarking it. 

    SEOs: Bible, Acts, Bible study, questions and answers

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