#Bible Expressions of Faith. Introduction to a unique Bible study process

Due to formatting issues, this post is a series of screen shots. This is a link to a PDF of the same material. https://app.box.com/s/7kbuigiudpypjf37hdbli997is7vu631 
I encourage you to download the file and try the process for two weeks. 
Don't panic yet.
Read the blog. Download the PDF. 
Give it a go.
Feedback is always appreciated.

SEO: Bible study, New Testament, thinking, knowing God

For more information about this "unconventional devotional process," email me at  eit.DrD@gmail.com 

Follow me on 
Twitter: @CRDowningAuthor 
My website is: www.crdowning.com

I'd appreciate your feedback on Blogger!


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