#Bible #study Today's post is Questions on Acts Ch 28 from 10/27

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. We discussed these questions yesterday. I encourage you to jot your thoughts down.
I'll post some comments from the class discussion on Wednesday.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at crd.author@gmail.com.

There is a timeline of Paul's life at the end of the post. 

Ch 28

Vv 17-30

Vv25-27 is the same message Paul preached since his conversion. What does it set up?

Gentiles (us!) should celebrate v28. How do you think the Jews in Rome reacted?

Paul lives in Rome for two years. Comment on vv30-31

Concluding Questions
What would you call v28:28? 

We finished this study of Acts on 10/27. 
The Synoptic Gospels is the focus of our next study, 
however the weekly posting of questions and 
answers will be suspended until 2020.

Here's a link to a great Timeline of the Apostle Paul. I recommend bookmarking it. 

SEOs: Bible, Acts, Bible study, questions and answers

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