#BibleLesson Expressions of Faith. Acts 22. Citizenship

27 The commander went to Paul and asked, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?”
“Yes, I am,” he answered.
28 Then the commander said, “I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship.”
“But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.
Acts 22:27-28
In Paul’s day, in the part of the world he lived in, Roman citizenship was a coveted commodity.
There were levels of citizenship available.
  • Wealthy non-citizens often paid significant sums of money for one of the lesser levels of citizenship.
  • However, full citizenship was a birthright.

When Paul is arrested and threatened with flogging, he announces his Roman citizenship.
  • Since flogging a Roman citizen without a trial was a serious offense, the commander goes to Paul for confirmation of his citizenship.
  • When he finds out that Paul is a FULL citizen, the soldier immediately leaves him alone.

Citizenship is still a prized commodity today.
Some countries’ citizenship is more desirable than others.
Salvation is God’s equivalent to citizenship.
  • It’s the best citizenship.
  • It’s the only citizenship that includes Heaven as one of its entitlements. 

Is your citizenship based on God’s salvation?
If not, change that today by asking God to forgive your sins.

SEO: Bible study, New Testament, thinking, knowing God

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