#ChristianService Timeless Truths. Customer Service Like Disney


For the next few weeks, my Timeless Truth posts will be recreations of presentations at leadership training sessions by various people. We’ll see how it goes!



If you have a church home, visitors check out your church. Some are looking for a new home church. Other visitors don’t really know what they want, but they don’t like where they are currently attending. And, there are visitors in San Diego who want to worship God in church.

COVID being what it is, a friendly face that shows despite a mask, can make someone's day. There might not be a time in your ministry where making visitors feel welcome is more important.


Visitors are your guests. Prepare for their visit.

A good first impression is critical. 

When Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed Him, for they were all expecting Him. Luke 8:40.


If you can’t do small things, the big things won’t matter. What you say and do matter.


Use The Seven Dwarfs as reminders of what to do and not do.


  • Happy. Be the friendliest person they meet that day.
  • Sneezy. Spread the spirit of hospitality.
  • Doc. Provide immediate friendly actions if you see someone needs it. 
  • Sleepy. Create dreams and preserve the experience visitors have. 


  • Bashful. Seek out new people. If you have a “to-do” list, put it aside.
  • Grumpy. Pay attention to your body language, it’s 80% of your communication.
  • Dopey. Thank every guest you see for their visit. Make sure the guest's final interaction is positive.


Overarching Concepts

  1. People come before policy, but policy is not unimportant.
  2. Make guests happy.
  3. Be the ultimate example of a friendly person.



These are excellent principles for much of life, not just when greeting church visitors. 


Thanks to Pastor Evie Kensel for the primary teaching in this post.

SEO: Bible study, New Testament, Christian thinking, serving God


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My Christian Context. Posts Monday/Wednesday of discussion questions. Thursdays - Timeless Truths. Fridays - Expressions of Faith. https://mychristiancontext.blogspot.com/  


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