Study Questions on Acts Ch 17-18 for 5/12

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. Every Monday, I’ll post the questions we discussed the day before. I encourage you to jot your thoughts down.

On Wednesdays, I’ll post some of the comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at

Chapter 17
Vv 16-34
What bothered Paul about Athens?
Why did people think Paul was a “babbler”?
The Athenians encourage Paul to explain his position. Why? 
Other cities were chasing him out.
In vv 24-31, Paul tries to link Christianity with what he’s seen in Athens. How well does it work?
What are Paul’s “three main points” in this sermon?
What do we learn about God in v27?
What finally splits the crowd regarding Paul’s message?
How effective was Paul’s plan?

Chapter 18

Why was Paul immediately attracted to Aquila?

 We got this far this week. 

SOE: Bible study, Book of Acts, Paul and Silas

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What’s Paul’s strategy in Corinth?
How does he change his ministry tactic when Silas and Timothy arrive? Why?
In v 6, Paul makes a final break with whom? Why?
Why does Paul decide to stay in Corinth over one year?
The incident in vv 12-17 illustrates the attitudes of many people today when it comes to religion. How many different attitudes can you find?
What has happened in the synagogue between v8 and v17?

Vv 18-28

Why did Paul cut his hair?
Paul seems to be a slow learner. Who does he go to first in Ephesus?
How are the Ephesian Jews different from others in the area?
After a year+ in Corinth, what evidence to we have of Paul’s restless spirit?
Who do we meet in v24? Describe him.
What does it appear that Apollos is better at than Paul?

Chapter 19

Vv 1-22

What do we know about Apollos?
Why did the Ephesians request “second” baptisms”?
What happened after the water baptism?
How long was Paul in the area around Ephesus? What did that accomplish?
What specific evidence can you list for God’s power at work in Paul’s ministry in Ephesus?
How do we know that demons (evil spirits) can spot false Christianity?
The episode with the sons of Sceva lead to what significant event?
Where does Paul decide to go at the end of this section?

Vv 23-41

Who is Demetrius? Why is he upset with Paul? What does he do about this?
What was the big deal about Artemis (Diana) in Ephesus?
Verse 32 us a scary one. Why?
How do we know that most Ephesians considered Paul a Jew and not a Christian?

Describe the city clerk’s intervention in the riot.


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