Thoughts on Questions from Acts Ch 19 on 6/9

My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. I posted these questions this Monday and encouraged you to jot your thoughts down.
This is Wednesday. This post consists of some comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at

There is a timeline of Paul's life at the end of the post. 

Chapter 19

Vv 1-22

What do we know about Apollos?

  • Greek
  • From Alexandria
  • He could speak in the Synagogue and be accepted.
  • He's described as "mighty in Scripture."
  • Persuasive and elegant.
Why did the Ephesians request “second” baptisms”?

  • Apollos's sermons on the Holy Spirit's baptism.
  • Jesus baptism is the Holy Spirit.
What happened after the water baptism?

  • The Holy Spirit comes down and fills those who were baptized.
How long was Paul in the area around Ephesus? 

  • Two years in the area. Three months in Ephesus
What did that accomplish?
  • "All of Asia" heard about Jesus as Messiah and the work of the Holy Spirit. (Asia here is now known as the Middle East.)
  • Disciples went along and learned how to be missionaries.
  • Tyrannus ran a school. He taught in one building, offering classes in the early morning because of the heat from mid/late morning through late afternoon. Paul taught his classes during the time that building was not used by Tyrannus.

What specific evidence can you list for God’s power at work in 
Paul’s ministry in Ephesus?

How do we know that demons (evil spirits) can spot false Christianity?

  • One attacks and beats up seven men pretending to know Jesus. The demon leaves them naked and bleeding when it leaves.
The episode with the sons of Sceva leads to what significant event?

  • Word of the beating (see above) gets around.
  • FEAR compels the false prophets to change their ways.
  • The Name of God is magnified.
  • Jesus is recognized as part of the Trinity.
Where does Paul decide to go at the end of this section?

  • To Jerusalem
  • His ultimate destination is Rome.

 We got this far this week. 

Here's a link to a great Timeline of the Apostle Paul. I recommend bookmarking it. 

SEOs: Bible, Acts, Bible study, questions and answers

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