#BibleStudy Comments on Questions on Acts Ch 24 on 8/11


My Sunday school class/Life Group is studying the book of Acts. I posted these questions this Monday and encouraged you to jot your thoughts down.
This is Wednesday. This post consists of some comments from the class discussion.

If you’d like a PDF file of the questions, email me at crd.author@gmail.com.

There is a timeline of Paul's life at the end of the post. 

Ch 24

Vv 1-26
Oh, my, they’ve brought in a lawyer. Who? 
  • Turtullus.
TERTULLUS tər tūl’ əs (ΤέρτυλλοςG5472, diminutive of Lat. tertiufs, third). The professional orator hired by the Jews to state their case against Paul before Felix, Rom. governor of Judea (Acts 24:1-9). He may have been a Rom., judging from his Lat. name, although Rom. names were common among Jews and Greeks; or he may have been a Jew, since he identifies himself with his clients. However, it is a lawyer’s custom to do so.
With traditional courtesy he began his clever rhetoric by flattering the governorship of Felix beyond the facts. He attributed the riot in Jerusalem to the agitation of Paul, ringleader of an illegal sect who was detained in custody by the Jews for trying to “profane the temple.” Paul was thus made out to be an enemy of the public peace and of Jewish religion, both of which Felix was charged to uphold. The speech of Tertullus should be compared with the factual account of Acts 21:27-40, with the letter of Lysias the tribune (Acts 23:26-30), and with the reserve of Paul’s reply (Acts 24:10-21).
Bibliography R. B. Rackham, The Acts of the Apostles, 14th ed. (1951), 442-444.

  • Orator is another term for Attorney at that time.
  • The case is presented to the Governor. It's possible that correct protocol at the time was to have a recognized orator.
Tertullus’s opening statement is in vv2-4. Whatta ya think?
  • He praises the governor.
  • Says he's a peacemaker (contrast with his words in v6)
  • It's brief.
Vv5-6 sounds a lot like what? 
  • Reporting lies as truth.
  1. Paul did not start a riot.
  2. Paul did not desecrate the Temple, he honored the Temple.
  3. Paul is accused of "world-wide" disruption of Judaism.
  4. Tertullus closes with an lie when he says the Jews tried to contain the problem Paul presented, when they started the riot over angles and the resurrection.
  • Jesus trial in Jerusalem
What tactic does Tertullus introduce in v8?
  • He places responsibility on Felix.
  • Says this is an open and shut case.
  • That Roman law has been broken.
Describe what you think happened in v9.
  • All the Jews present agree with what' going on.
The first part of Paul’s response to the charges is found in vv10-16. What is Paul doing in these verses?
  • Refuting Tertullus' opening statement.
  1. He praises Felix.
  2. Tells Felix how honored and grateful his is that he's allowed to speak.
  3. He went to Jerusalem to worship twelve days before.
  4. While he was in Jerusalem, there were no problems at first.
  5. He confesses to being a Christian (The Way), that he honors the same Law as the Jews, and he believes in the Resurrection.
  6. He has a clear conscience.

 We got this far this week. 

In vv17-26, Paul gets to the heart of the matter. Whom does he suggest Felix talk to?


What is Paul’s explanation of why he’s on trial?

Felix adjourns the proceedings while waiting for whom?

 What does he have to do with anything?

One aspect of Paul’s imprisonment it uncommon. What and why do you think that privilege was granted?

Oh, my, look what significant fact we find out inv24. That sly Luke.
Paul preaches to Felix and Drusilla. What are this “points”?

Why would Felix be afraid?

How does the end of v25 read in various translations?

How interested was Felix in his soul?

Here's a link to a great Timeline of the Apostle Paul. I recommend bookmarking it. 

SEOs: Bible, Acts, Bible study, questions and answers

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