#BibleStudy Signs and Wonders – Miracles: Feeding 5000 People – Mark 6:30-44. 06-13-2021 -- Discussion


Until we finish, my Sunday school class is studying Miracles of Jesus. The comments below are from our discussion this week.


Signs and Wonders – Miracles

Sunday School Lesson Series

Based on Signs and Wonders: Thirteen Miracles from the Life of Christ 

Serendipity House ©1998 - ISBN: 1-57494-107-0


Miracle #5 – Feeding 5000 People – Mark 6:30-44


Jesus told the disciples to “come and rest.” How’d that work out?

  • Not good!
  • Not alone.
  • People saw Jesus/disciples leave and determined to follow Him.

Speculate who’s replying to Jesus in vv35-37. Why him?

   “This is a remote place,” Peter, determined to show his leadership skills said, “and it’s already very late. 

   “Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.,” Judaskeeper of the purse insisted.

   37 But Jesus answered, “You give them something to eat. How many loaves do you have? Go and see.”

   When they found out, Thomas, positive there was nowhere near enough food said, “Five—and two fish.”

Mark 4:38, 5:30-31; 6:35. What emotion(s) do the disciples express?

  • 4:38. They were scared.
  • 5:30-31. They were incredulous, and Jesus tuned in on that.
  • 6:35. They were tired and hungry.

The notes in the book indicate that the use of color here is a deliberate connection to Ps 23. Thoughts?

  • Jesus called those He ministered to, “Sheep without a shepherd.”
  • Mark’s focus is Jesus/God’s power.
  • Mark was written for the Romans. Because of that, there is a “do it now” attitude throughout the Gospel, since that was the prevailing Roman attitude.



None this week.


We Got This Far This Week


SEO: Jesus' ministry, New Testament, thinking, knowing God



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