Thoughts on Hebrews Study Questions from 12/3


My Sunday School Life Group is studying Hebrews. Every Monday, I post questions that were discussed the day before in Sunday School. I invite you to ponder/think about them and jot down your thoughts.

On Wednesdays, I post some of the ideas that came up in the Life Group's discussion for you to consider and compare with your thoughts.  

These questions were discussed in my Life Group Sunday. This post presents thoughts from the class discussion.

Chapter 9
Vv 16-22

What’s the connection between a will and blood sacrifice?
There is no inheritance without a death.
There were ongoing benefits to the Hebrews from sacrifices. Christ's sacrifice fulfilled ALL requirements and released our inheritance.
The Covenant was like a will. God put us in His will. Christ died to release God's assets.

v19 (Exodus 24:6-8) Describes Moses’ use of blood. Hmmm. Tablet (Exodus) and scroll (Hebrews) What’s the scroll?
We couldn't figure out what this question meant. All we came up with is the sacrifice and how Moses was told to use the blood was messy.

Water. Scarlett. Hyssop branches. Why those specific items?
None of the three terms are found in the Exodus passage. All refer to cleansing. Taken together, they are all parts of cleansing rituals

Hyssop, marjoram, and sorghum stalks are all absorbent plant material, good for transferring blood from sacrifice to the specific target.

Jewish history includes the scarlet thread as part of the redemption ritual performed on the Day of Atonement. During the ceremony, the scarlet cord changed color to white, indicating acceptance of the blood sacrifice. According to rabbinic writings, this miraculous transition stopped in the year AD30--the year of Christ's crucifixion. 

The Christian explanation for the lack of color change is that with Jesus sacrifice on the cross, no additional redemption is required.

V22 presents a crucial concept. Why? 
Forgiveness is the concept.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.
How does Leviticus 17:11 relate? 
For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life. Leviticus 17:11
Blood is poured out during the sacrifice as life is given up.

Chapter 9
Vv 23-28
NIV uses the term “copies” in v23. What term do other versions use?
We couldn't find another term in the versions used by those in attendance.

How were the “heavenly” versions of these items cleansed?
By the best sacrifice--Jesus death on the cross.
Heaven is now the High Holy Place.

Vv24-26 explains a key concept. What concept? How is it explained?
"Once for all" means no more sacrifices are needed because Jesus sacrificed Himself for all of us.

V27 is often quoted out of context. Why did the author of Hebrews include it here?
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment Hebrews 9:27
This is a new concept to Jews to whom there was no life after death. We die once, and Jesus' death makes it possible for us to live beyond our death. This impacts all humanity, not just Hebrews.

What is the reason for Christ’s second coming?
To bring salvation--saving those who are waiting for His return.
The term used for the second coming is a specific Greek word, parousia.  
"The word parousia refers a "coming" such as the visit of the Emperor to a city somewhere in the Empire -- they would anticipate such a visit for a long time! Make all kinds of preparations. It became a fitting word to discuss the second coming of Christ, especially the anticipation of those who long for his coming. The word is not used in Hebrews 9:27-28, but the idea certainly is there. And so it would be fitting for a scholar to refer to the verses as ones that would point to the coming (the parousia) of Christ." Thanks to Dr. Robert Smilth of Point Loma Nazarene University.

Parousia: In the N. T. especially of the advent, i. e. the future, visible, return from heaven of Jesus, the Messiah, to raise the dead, hold the last judgment, and set up formally and gloriously the kingdom of God.  

The 2nd coming is a reward. At death, Christians go to heaven, not just judgment.

We Got This Far This Week

If you'd like a PDF of the pages of questions in table form with room for you to write answers, email me at 
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