Thoughts on Hebrews Ch 13 Study Questions from 5/20
This is some of the discussion on the questions posted on Monday.
Chapter 13
Vv 7-17
How does v15 “revise” the sacrificial system?
No need for animals.
Sacrifice now uses praise not plants and animals
Christ sacrifice is continuous. It’s not periodic.
Praise and thanksgiving are the barometers of our Spiritual health.
Relate v17 to today’s political situation.
Good leaders AND GOOD FOLLOWERS are God’s desire for BOTH society and His Church!
Chapter 13
Vv 18-21
What’s the author doing in these verses?
Closing it out.
Benediction – blessing the readers.
It’s a memory device.
Emphasizing Jesus as the focus of the letter.
Verses 20-21 are a summary, almost a Post Script.
Chapter 13
Vv 22-25
These read like an afterthought. Watta you think?
Closing it out.
It’s a final exhortation.
Encourages the reader to REMEMBER.
1 Peter 5:12 can be condensed to fit this, too.
I'm reminded of Hebrews 3:1
My Christian friends, who also have been called by God! Think of Jesus, whom God sent to be the High Priest of the faith we profess. [Good News Bible]
List a 3-4 “takeaways” from this study. If you can’t think of any . . . go back over your notes!
Time, being the finite entity that it is, ran short this week. Some of these are "included" above.
Time, being the finite entity that it is, ran short this week. Some of these are "included" above.
We Got This Far This Week
My class finished Hebrews last Sunday.
We'll be doing an overview of themes and sections of the book of Acts. The study of the book of Acts will begin on Sunday, June 3. Monday discussion questions and Wednesday highlights of Sunday's discussion will continue.
We'll be doing an overview of themes and sections of the book of Acts. The study of the book of Acts will begin on Sunday, June 3. Monday discussion questions and Wednesday highlights of Sunday's discussion will continue.
There is a PDF of the questions for Acts--see below.
If you'd like a PDF of the pages of questions in table form with room for you to write answers, CLICK HERE for the link to the first 4 pages of questions on Acts.
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